Important News Analysis 18012023 by Veer Talyan, INA, UPSC, IAS, IPS, PSC, Viral Video, SSC

Important News Analysis 18012023 by Veer Talyan, INA, UPSC, IAS, IPS, PSC, Viral Video, SSC


Important News Analysis 18012023 by Veer Talyan, INA, UPSC, IAS, IPS, PSC, Viral Video, SSC

Important News Analysis 31-12-2022



‘Nightmare’ and its evil spirit connect

A likely reasoning for why people get up gasping for breath when they have a nightmare

“Hey, What time did you get back from the party last night?”

“I didn’t even go. A couple of friends called to say that traffic was a nightmare.”

“Nightmare? Isn’t a nightmare a terrifying dream?”

“Yes, but the word can be used in other contexts as well.
When you say that traffic was a nightmare, what you’re suggesting is that it was terrible.
Driving in it was an unpleasant and frightening experience.”

“I see. How about this example?
My sister’s trip to the U.S. turned into a nightmare when she missed her connecting flight in London.”

“That’s a good example.
When I asked Anil how the interview was, he said it was a nightmare.”

“That’s his usual reply.
Tell me, where does the word ‘nightmare’ come from?”

“The word is made up of two words – night and mare. We all know…”

“We all know what ‘night’ means.
A female horse is usually referred to as ‘mare’, right?”

“Right! But ‘mare’, in this case, doesn’t refer to a female horse, but an evil female spirit.”

“Female spirit? Is it this evil spirit which causes us to have bad dreams?”

“That’s right! What this female spirit does is to sit on people who are sleeping. It tries to suffocate them.”

“By sitting on them? That’s interesting! I guess this explains why people get up gasping for breath when they have a nightmare.”

“It certainly does. Anyway, how did you spend last Evening? Did you go anywhere?”

“I did. Sujatha had a little get together, and she invited me over. Anjali was there, too.”

“Sujatha and Anjali! Nice way to end the year, I guess. They must have had a lot of fun needling you.”

“Needling me? What are you talking about?”

“When you needle someone, you deliberately annoy or embarrass the person.”

“How do I do that? By making fun of them?”

“You achieve this by making fun of them continuously. Or you could try and upset them by making rather nasty remarks.”

“That’s something both Anjali and Sujatha are good at. They always needle me by talking about the terrible marks I used to get in Physics while I was in school.”

“And now, poor Mythreye is their new victim. They needle her about her weight.”

“Yes. The interesting thing is Mythreye knows that the two are saying things just to needle her. But no matter how hard she tries, she always ends up losing her temper.”